Thank You Global Bouzouki Community
Below are a selection of some of the worlds finest products designed to match your peak on the Bouzouki and the list is growing. Should you wish to purchase, please email to order.
This is a rare musical box. This Toronto made Laouto-Bouzouki is a custom creation by Greek Luthier Giannis Koniaris of Toronto Canada, featuring a unique larger bowl shape and design. This is a less common instrument among musicians as not many we're built or have survived. It is now approximately 30 years old and in great playing condition.
Of the wood that can be recognized, the top is cedar, the fretboard and bridge are ebony with bone saddles, and the bowl walnut.
The dimensions of this larger bowl Bouzouki are approximately 12" wide by 16" long and 7" deep giving it a sonic depth and richness not normal to a Greek Bouzouki. The internal structure of the top or "kapaki" is consistent with what a traditional build of a Greek Bouzouki should be with 3 braces supporting the sound board.
It was recently serviced in the following ways: action reduced with neck adjustments, repositioning of the tail piece, bridge seating, a new nut for the bridge, adjustment of the original nut at the headstock, new frets, lubrication of the tuning heads, new strings and some general cleaning and touchups.
The asking price is $2500. Please click e-mail to order to schedule a viewing.
Thank You
This is Dimitri's set of choice for all of his 8 string Bouzoukia. The Rose Set by Prodigy Strings is the ultimate choice for performance in sound and feel for a superior playing experience. These strings feature the classic Gold wrapped (phosphor bronze) low C 'Nto' and F 'Fa' strings and have a reduction in tension of the high C 'Nto' string (0.011 mm^ vs 0.014 mm x) allowing the fingers a subtle feeling of ease.
For Trixordo and Tzoura, the Yellow set by Prodigy Strings features a classic Gold wrapped (phosphor bronze) low D 'Re' string and are robust and warm sounding. These are Dimitri's go-to option for his personal collection as well as for the repairs of his students and clients. The Yellow set is for a truly 'Rembetiko' sound experience.
Baglama strings with the classic Gold wrapped (phosphor bronze) low D 'Re' string. The Lime Set by Prodigy Strings is balanced at the ideal thicknesses and created with high quality compounds to deliver the resonant brilliance you expect of your cherished and delicate Baglama.
"Το "Γλωσσάρι" περιλαμβάνει λέξεις και εκφράσεις της μαγκιάς, των μπουρδέλων, της φυλακής και των τεκέδων. Πέραν αυτών, αναφέρονται βωμολογίες και λέξεις σεξιστικού περιεχομένου, που συχνά τις ακούμε από ανθρώπους, που δεν ανήκουν υποχρεωτικά σε περιθωριακές κοινωνικές ομάδες. Η απόδοσή τους θα μπορούσε να παρουσιαστεί "ωραιοποιημένη" με χρήση της επιστημονικής ορολογίας. Ίσως η ελευθεριότητα της έκφρασης ενοχλήσει μερικές ομάδες συντηρητικών, αλλά στόχος του "Γλωσσαρίου" είναι ακριβώς να εμφανίσει γραμμένες λέξεις και εκφράσεις που χρησιμοποιούνται στον προφορικό λόγο και χαρακτηρίζονται πρόστυχες και απαγορευμένες, δεν παυούν ωστόσο να αποτελούν μέρος της Ελληνικής γλώσσας."
The "Glossary" contains words and expressions of slang, brothels, prison and opium dens. Beyond that, some are considered profanities and that of a sexist nature, where we often hear it from people who do not necessarily belong exclusively to marginalised social groups. Their use and swagger could be presented as "beautified" using more correct terminology. The freedom of expression may bother some conservatives, but the aim of the "Glossary" is to accurately display the written thoughts and feelings of common speech that are characterized as obscene and forbidden; they do not cease however to be part of the Greek language."
-Τάκης Σταθόπουλος